2014 Blogger Challenge!


So, I have decided to put my life on the line by joining the #2014bloggerchallenge ! I guess its not really that dangerous, but it sounds like it will be exciting and will cause me to venture into places I wouldn't normally think of doing! The best part is that hundreds of bloggers are doing it with me!
Here's the scoop:
Every blogger who joins will get an email from Gaby at Another Girly Blog, giving the the post topics for the 1st and 3rd weeks of each moth. The bloggers then have to take that topic and write about it. Sounds like fun, right?
If you are a blogger that wants to jump on this great opportunity, you can email Gaby at AnotherGirlyBlg@gmail.com. Just make sure to give her your name, email address, and blog link.
For more info, or to hear straight from the main source, visit Gaby's informational post here.
I hope you'll be joining me! Have a great day!:)


  1. Wow this sounds like fun I think I'll join in! Lovely blog hun I'm following you :)






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